Business Central in a project company

Does your company deliver products and services through projects?
Then, like many others, you probably have challenges managing pipeline, resources, procurement, time and finances.
For many project-oriented companies, getting a full overview of projects is a challenge.

Rasmus Toft


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Get a grip on finances and digitalization in project companies

How do you approach digitalization?

How is the project progressing – are we on budget?

Are we making money on what we produce or sell?

Although invoicing and delivery are often separated, an overview of the project status, monetization and profitability is needed.

Often a number of relevant questions arise.

Is this still a good business?

Do we have enough orders or leads or do we lack resources?

We can help you find, use and digitize the functions and workflows that support the work of your project-oriented business within the possibilities Dynamics 365 Business Central in a project company offers. Perhaps combined with supplier independent recognized proven apps/add-ons.

Two types of project companies

Typically, we talk about two different types of project-oriented companies.

Both types of project-oriented companies are characterized by long sales time, project timelines and project complexity.

Companies that produce and sell complex goods, such as large machinery, where many departments, people and resources are involved.

Companies that sell consulting services or hours – over a longer period of time.

Experience shows that digitalization in a project-oriented company gives you an overview of pipeline, resources, purchasing, time and finances.

Opportunities for financial management and digitalization in project companies – with standard Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dynamics 365 Business Central includes a wide range of tools for project, resource and financial management as standard. These tools enable you to digitize functions and workflows within the standard solution. Digitization can minimize human error, free up resources and make it faster and easier to get an overview.

Add additional functionality with apps

If you need functionality other than what you find in the standard Dynamics 365 Business Central, there is a wide range of apps that simply connect to your solution and digitize and systematize various resource-intensive functions. The apps do not interfere with the code in Dynamics 365 – but are connected to the solution in the same way as it is known from your smartphone.

What do you get with Dynamics 365 Business Central

  • Project management throughout the project lifecycle
  • Bid and tender management to ensure you deliver on time and on budget – and that you make money on the product or project
  • Overview of budgeted and actual spend
  • Ability to reuse information from previous projects
  • Status of all ongoing projects
  • You can easily and simply document the products

Better financial control in your projects

Dynamics 365 Business Central takes you a long way. We help you use and utilize the features that come standard in Dynamics 365 Business Central – and find the apps that meet your specific needs, so you get your tasks done, but retain your independence by running standard. We help you achieve better financial management in projects.

How to get started with Business Central

Getting started with Business Central Cloud in a project-oriented company
Contact us for a chat about what you need to consider and how to get started.

Why Vektus

How we work

We work to make your investment in Business Central a success both now and in the long run.